Consumer Power: Proprietary Shopper Promiscuity Scoring System for Market Research

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Consumer Power: Proprietary Shopper Promiscuity Scoring System for Market Research

In our most recent eBook, we cover new metrics that researchers should consider when exploring shopper behavior

In our most recent eBook, we cover new metrics that researchers should consider when exploring shopper behavior. Rebecca Brooks recently summarized a few of the eBook’s key points in an article she wrote for industry-leading blog, Greenbook. The article, called “Consumer Power: Proprietary Shopper Promiscuity Scoring System for Market Research”, contends that it is time to reinvent the way we research shopping and consumer behavior.

Everyone in the market research space knows that the relationship that consumers have to brands, goods and services is changing at a fundamental level, but no one is really talking about how we address this at the research stage. Rebecca’s article outlines how the industry can start to approach the new normal and measure it in a way that makes sense. She suggests that we should approach shopper journeys with four key metrics in mind:

“Who They Are – Shopper Promiscuity: How curious and experimental is a person in general? Do they like taking risks, trying new things? Are they early adopters? Understanding a person’s general proclivities towards promiscuity is the first step in comprehending our shopper.

What They Need – Product Promiscuity: How promiscuous is the product category itself? For example, soda drinkers are extremely loyal, whereas frozen meal consumers have low loyalty and are driven by promotions. We need to be aware of the general promiscuity of the product category. It isn’t just about the shopper.

What Matters To Them – Shopper Priorities: What is the emotional state of the shopper? What are the priorities for a particular purchase? Are they in a rush? How big is the budget for the purchase? Understanding parameters around the shopping experience will reveal motives for behavior.

How They Solve The Problem – Shopping Context: This is by far the most overlooked area that can influence shopper promiscuity. The first three items we discussed were about the shopper themselves. A fourth and very critical factor is the actual shopping experience – whether online or in person.”

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